The Strudwick File: Who’s Ready for Snack Time?

The Strudwick File: Who’s Ready for Snack Time?
If you read last week’s edition of The Strudwick File, you may recall Strud decided to go hunting for snacks in Megyn’s son Thatcher’s backpack. He happened to hit the jackpot with a bag of pistachios, which apparently is a favorite of both Strudwick and Thatcher. Well, our four-legged friend is an equal opportunity thief. …
The Strudwick File: Strud Goes Nuts

The Strudwick File: Strud Goes Nuts
We all know Strudwick loves a snack. Recently, he has treated himself to a stick of butter (at the expense of the butter dish), Megyn’s festive fall foliage (for the second straight year), and French onion chicken cutlets to name a few. This time around, Strud opted for a more traditional snack food – at …
The Strudwick File: Purse Snatcher

The Strudwick File: Purse Snatcher
Megyn and her family celebrated Thanksgiving a little early this year, which means she had a house full of people over the weekend. To avoid repeats of her previous Turkey Day faux pas (read that as a plural), she had someone helping her keep things on track. The celebration went off without a hitch, but …
The Strudwick File: Rub-a-Dub… Strud?

The Strudwick File: Rub-a-Dub… Strud?
If you are a long-time reader of The Strudwick File, you may recall Strud’s ill-fated trip to Montana back in December 2022 when some severe gastrointestinal distress (as a result of the altitude and eating contraband sugar-free gum) resulted in what we affectionately refer to as Megyn and Strudwick’s trip to the spa. In reality, …
The Strudwick File: You Butter Believe It, Part II

The Strudwick File: You Butter Believe It, Part II
Strudwick loves butter – like, really, really loves butter. He has managed to snack on sticks a time or two without causing too much damage (exhibit A), but he has also broken more than one butter dish in the process of chowing down (exhibit B). Unfortunately, the wrong kind of history repeated itself this week. …
The Strudwick File: Strud’s Night Terror

The Strudwick File: Strud’s Night Terror
Strudwick and his sister Thunder usually spend the night in their crates. Megyn and Doug decided to “take a risk” earlier this week and let them sleep outside of the crates in the cordoned off area of the kitchen and living room where they roam during the day. They went to bed before the kids, …
The Strudwick File: Falling for Fall Foliage, Part IV

The Strudwick File: Falling for Fall Foliage, Part IV
You know we love a good follow-up here at The Strudwick File, and we’ve certainly got one for you today. Last week, we took you through the gradual destruction of Megyn’s autumnal decorations at the hands – ahem, paws – of our pal Strudwick. You can get caught up here. After Strud went to town …
The Strudwick File: Falling for Fall Foliage, Part III

The Strudwick File: Falling for Fall Foliage, Part III
If you’ve been following Strudwick’s shenanigans for a while, you may remember that he foiled Megyn and Doug’s attempt to festively decorate their home for fall last year by ingesting the decorative cabbage and dried ears of corn in part I and part II of this now annual saga. He also went to town on …
The Strudwick File: Let Them Eat Cake

The Strudwick File: Let Them Eat Cake
Megyn’s eldest son turned 15 last week, and they celebrated the milestone with a party over the weekend. Strudwick, of course, scored an invite, and it wouldn’t be Strud if he didn’t make his presence known. Fortunately, Megyn and her family ended up dealing with a good news/bad news situation. The bad news: He got …
The Strudwick File: Adventure Tails

The Strudwick File: Adventure Tails
Strudwick is back in Connecticut and increasingly back to his normal self, which might explain why he decided he was ready for some adventure. While Strud and his sister Thunder go on extensive walks each day to get their (read: his) energy out, it appears as though our four-legged friend was ready to take it …
The Strudwick File: Couch Potato

The Strudwick File: Couch Potato
After a – shall we say – challenging summer at the shore, Strudwick is back home in Connecticut. While he seems to be returning to his old self way ahead of schedule, he is technically still recovering from his unfortunate bout with aspiration pneumonia in both lungs. Perhaps that is why he thought he could …
The Strudwick File: Not Up for Debate

The Strudwick File: Not Up for Debate
It’s safe to say Tuesday’s debate elicited a lot of strong feelings for a lot of different reasons. Not immune from the high-stakes drama? Our old pal Strudwick, who – contrary to this adorable picture – was not shy about making his opinion known. We’ll let Megyn tell the rest: “Strud didn’t much like the …