When you consider all of the food and inanimate objects Strudwick consumes on a regular basis, bananas would be considered among the most benign. Some might even say they are a healthy snack for our four-legged friend. Well, as the adage goes, you can have too much of a good thing.
Strudwick learned that the hard way this week when he sampled not one, not two, but six bananas – Dole sticker and all – that he stole from the far reaches of the counter (though, let’s be honest, nothing is safe when Strud is on the prowl).

As you can see from the blurred remains above, ingesting the entirety of the tropical treat at such a large volume did not sit well in his stomach. But not to worry, Strudwick was back to his normal self in no time and maybe – just maybe – he got a lesson in portion control. Hope springs eternal!
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