We all know Strud tends to destroy anything in his path (pillows, footballs, salad forks, etc.), and that includes packages on the front porch. Need we remind you of the deliveries Strudwick intercepted last month?

On the left, you’ll see what was left of Megyn’s gluten-free granola (yes, he ate the entire bag). On the right, you will see a tub of concealer… with a huge chunk taken out of it.
When Megyn was at her beach house last summer, she and Doug tried to solve this problem by putting a sign on the front lawn that asked the delivery drivers to not put packages on the porch:

That didn’t end up working quite as well as they had hoped (case in point), so Megyn knew she needed to take more extreme measures in Connecticut. Enter, the new package protector:

Deliveries now can be placed in the receptacle and away from prying paws for safe keeping. It remains to be seen if this puts an end to the saga, but Megyn – at least for now – likes her chances.
“Touché, Strudwick,” she said. “It’s ON!!”
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