If you’ve been following Strudwick’s shenanigans for a while, you may remember that he foiled Megyn and Doug’s attempt to festively decorate their home for fall last year by ingesting the decorative cabbage and dried ears of corn in part I and part II of this now annual saga. He also went to town on a pufferfish pumpkin, which led to a $7,000 vet bill.

This year, they decided to try a scaled down version of the autumnal display (above) in an effort to prevent the damage. But alas… “The fall decorations went up yesterday,” Megyn shared, “and they came back down.”

As you can see from the remnants above, not much remained of one of the colorful gourds. And in case Megyn wasn’t sure who was responsible for the carnage, she got her answer when she let Strudwick out to relieve himself later that day. We’ve applied a blur to protect the squeamish, but there is no mistaking the vibrant hue.
If you think Strud learned his lesson from the first pumpkin, think again. “Spotted another half-eaten squash,” Megyn shared. “Who could be responsible??”

There was another casualty not long after (this time, our mischievous snacker got caught in the act):

Annnnnnd, yes, there was still more to come:

“Since he ate all of our cabbage and corn from the corn stalks last year, we got smart and removed them from the fall decorations. We thought we were way ahead of the game,” Megyn noted. “As always, Strud responded with CHECK MATE.”
The plan for fall 2025: “Only mums,” she confirmed. But in the meantime, this year’s decor has already been scaled back even further to protect the innocent gourds:

That’s the ‘before’ on the left and ‘after’ on the right. Spot the differences? “We’re down to the emptied corn stalks and mums, since we also had to ixnay the cabbage from last year,” Megyn said. “So, no corn, no cabbage, no squash – only enormous pumpkins and mums.”
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