The Strudwick File: Falling for Fall Foliage, Part II

Last week, Megyn shared that Strud had decided to turn her fall decorations into a snack when he chowed down on one of the decorative cabbages in her seasonal display. He must have really enjoyed it because he went back for more.

As it turns out, Megyn had a second cabbage set out in another area that Strud discovered and promptly devoured – save for a few leaves – a few days ago. “He ate the other (remaining) cabbage,” she shared.

But there is a silver lining. Remember last week when Strud discarded the scallions he stole before going outside and eating the cabbage? Well, Megyn’s research (below) suggests he actually knew what he was doing. “On the bright side, we are starting to think Strud is smart,” she quipped.

Megyn learned Strud may be a little gassier than usual as a result of his cabbage feast (we are certain any flatulence will not be remotely as bad as Gas Gate), and she also confirmed that the scallions – like garlic, onions, shallots, leeks, and chives – are a no-go for dogs.

In keeping with this newfound wisdom, Strud apparently seems to be keeping everyone’s safety in mind. He sniffed out one of the family’s mini first aid kits.

“Maybe he thinks he’s a St. Bernard,” Megyn concluded.

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