If you are a regular reader of The Strudwick File, you know there is little if anything Strudwick won’t eat or destroy if given the chance (think: footballs, Abby’s lunch, pillows, cereal, etc.). So, it is always noteworthy when Strud rejects his stolen goods.
That is exactly what happened earlier this week when he got ahold of a bag of scallions. Megyn found them relatively intact in Strud’s bed because, as she noted, “the scallions were apparently a bridge too far.”

What wasn’t a bridge too far? Megyn’s fall decorations. Later that day, Strud was running around outside when he decided to snack on some of the seasonal adornments.

Notice those leaves on the ground between the pumpkins? That’s what is left of some decorative cabbage Megyn had on display. As you can see below, there is very little left.

Megyn’s takeaway: “So cabbage good, scallions bad.”
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