The Strudwick File: Culinary Delights

Strudwick’s sister Thunder made an appearance in The Strudwick File last week after she taste-tested Thatcher’s birthday cake. Strud clearly felt left out because this week he decided to expand his own culinary horizons not once but twice.

It started with breakfast the other morning. Strud is not allowed on the second floor of Megyn’s beach house, so her daughter Yardley reasonably assumed her cereal would be safe if she momentarily left it in the guest room. You probably get the idea of where this is going…

Ever alert, Strud took advantage of someone accidentally leaving the gate open at the bottom of the stairs (after all, who knows what treasures he might find up above?!) and let’s just say he has now discovered the joy of Cheerios:

But not to worry. While a cleanup was in order, Megyn assured us that they didn’t cry over the spilt milk.

By dinnertime, Strud was ready for round two. We already know he’s a fan of rye and naan, so it should come as no surprise that he was up to try another bread variety.

As Megyn explained, there used to be four pieces. Now there are three – though if you look closely, you’ll see the remnants of number four on the floor. The rest is in Strudwick’s belly.

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