While many people’s New Year’s resolutions have them trying to make healthier choices in the kitchen, Strud seems content to stick with his favorite food group: Bread.
We’re just a couple weeks into 2024 and Strudwick has already enjoyed two of his favorite varieties. First up, our four-legged friend sniffed out – and chowed down – on a package of naan (left). Seeing as this has happened before, Megyn couldn’t help but ponder: “Why do we even buy naan at this point?”

But that wasn’t all. While Strud loves naan, he also loves a loaf of seedless rye and that’s exactly what he found for the taking a few days later. You can see what is left of said bread on the right.

“Is it any wonder his diet is not going well,” Megyn asked. We’ll go ahead and assume that was a rhetorical question.
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