Ep. 817 Fraud Week: Two Former NXIVM Members on True Horrors of the Cult… and How They Got Out

Ep. 817 Fraud Week: Two Former NXIVM Members on True Horrors of the Cult… and How They Got Out
‘Fraud Week’ on The Megyn Kelly Show continues with a focus on the NXIVM cult, featuring former members Sarah Edmondson and Anthony “Nippy” Ames, hosts of A Little Bit Culty. They discuss how they first came to NXIVM, the oddities of the group, the positives they experienced at first, the importance of screening before allowing people …
4 Signs That You Are Joining a Cult, According to Former NXIVM Members Who Helped Take the Group Down

4 Signs That You Are Joining a Cult, According to Former NXIVM Members Who Helped Take the Group Down
Former NXIVM members Anthony “Nippy” Ames and Sarah Edmondson break down the red flags they missed when getting drawn into the cult.
The Traumatic Event One Former NXIVM Cult Member Endured That Convinced Her to Leave the Cult

The Traumatic Event One Former NXIVM Cult Member Endured That Convinced Her to Leave the Cult
Megyn is joined by former NXIVM cult members Sarah Edmondson and Anthony “Nippy” Ames, hosts of A Little Bit Culty, to talk about the traumatic moment she was secretly branded with NXIVM cult leader Keith Raniere’s initials, when they decided they had to leave the cult, how they got out, and more.
Ep. 573 What Happens in Cults, and Escaping From Them: A ‘Megyn Kelly Show’ True Crime Special

Ep. 573 What Happens in Cults, and Escaping From Them: A ‘Megyn Kelly Show’ True Crime Special
‘Hot Crime Summer’ week on The Megyn Kelly Show continues with a deep dive on cults. Megyn is joined by Michelle Dowd, author of Forager, and Steven Hassan, PhD, a cult expert, to discuss each of their experiences in cults, the survival skills Dowd learned while she was in the cult, what it was like …
How Cults Control the Minds of Their Followers, According to a Psychologist Who Escaped One

How Cults Control the Minds of Their Followers, According to a Psychologist Who Escaped One
Megyn is joined by cult and mind control expert Steven Hassan, PhD, for this ‘Hot Crime Summer’ episode about cults. They discuss how cults seek to control the minds of followers, personality types that are susceptible to cults, ways to escape or help loved ones escape, and more.
A Former Cult Member Opens Up About How She Was Able to Escape and Start a New Life

A Former Cult Member Opens Up About How She Was Able to Escape and Start a New Life
Megyn is joined by a former cult member to discuss her experience living in and escaping it.