Happy 2025! I have missed all of you over the last two weeks while I spent some quality time with my family. I hope you had some with yours as well.
We were in Montana skiing, and it was awesome. It was so snowy and, I have to tell you, it reminded me of my childhood in Syracuse where you would wake up every morning, look out the window, and say, ‘Yep, snow again.’ It is such a nice change from what we saw the last couple of years, where there was no snow to speak of. It is just such a delight to be out in the snow, to see those flakes falling, and to have the holidays in that setting. I absolutely loved it.
Costume Night
As I teased in our last show before the break, we had our annual costume night. Many of you know it is a big thing for me. Every year around the Christmas holiday, we have an evening where I pick a theme and surprise my family with costumes to dress up in. We have done Willy Wonka, Gilligan’s Island, Cobra Kai, superheroes. Last year was The Ten Commandments (you can see the pictures here). You name it, we’ve done it.

This year, the theme was Back to the Future. It was hilarious. I made Doug George McFly, the geeky dad who is amazing. I was Jennifer – Marty McFly’s girlfriend from the ‘80s. My son Yates was Marty, my son Thatcher was Doc, and my daughter Yardley was Lorraine (the 1950s version). My brother-in-law Ken was Biff. I got him a fake muscle shirt to wear, which I don’t think he appreciated. Anyway, it was great.
A New Perspective
Isn’t it just so important to get out and do things like that? It is so clarifying to spend time with family and away from work. Even though I love my work, it is clarifying to step away from it. I feel like it makes me better at my job because I feel more clear-headed when I come back.
As the news events hit over the past couple of weeks, you just have a better perspective on them. When you are grounded, when you are with people you love and who love you, when you are part of nature and better connected to it, you can kind of see this is worth fighting over or this is bullsh-t.
So, let’s get to it!
You can check out Megyn’s full analysis by tuning in to episode 976 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.