The Strudwick File: Strud Is Grill-ty

Memorial Day weekend has come to be known as the unofficial start of summer, which means grilling season is officially upon us. Megyn, Doug, and the kids were preparing for a little backyard BBQ when Strudwick decided he wanted in on the action – specifically, he wanted to have a paw in preparing the food.

Strud’s first casualty – ahem, foray into the meal prep? The tongs, which Megyn noted were “newly indented.”

But that wasn’t all. If you are a regular reader of The Strudwick File, you know Strud has a thing for wooden spoons. And Megyn’s latest replacement for the countless others he has used as a chew toy was no exception.

“I’m concerned about where the rest of that wooden spoon is,” she admitted.

The good news? The BBQ was a success – with or without the proper cooking tools.

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