The 2024 election is six months away, but Hillary Clinton is still talking about 2016.
For the last eight years, the former first lady has vacillated between calling Donald Trump an “illegitimate president” for the way in which he beat her and blaming an array of external forces for her defeat. And now she is offering yet another reason for the upset: women.
On Tuesday’s show, Megyn was joined by Stu Burguiere, host of BlazeTV’s Stu Does America, and Fox News and Daily Mail columnist Dave Marcus to discuss Clinton’s latest comments and what she doesn’t understand about her lack of popularity.
Hillary Calls Out Women
According to a report from The New York Times, Clinton made a new excuse for her 2016 loss to Trump in an interview she gave earlier this year for the forthcoming book The Fall of Roe: The Rise of a New America. “I’ve got to get in the fact that Hillary Clinton just weighed in publicly, again, on why she lost,” Megyn said. “And just in case you were thinking it was because she didn’t go to Wisconsin, you are wrong.”
Clinton is now blaming – wait for it – female voters who she claims didn’t turn out to support her because she wasn’t “perfect.”
The former secretary of state said the trepidation around her stemmed from then-FBI director James Comey opening a last-minute investigation into her private email server and ultimately deeming her actions “extremely careless.”
“Once he did that to me, the people, the voters who left me, were women,” she said, according to the Times. “They left me because they just couldn’t take a risk on me, because as a woman, I’m supposed to be perfect. They were willing to take a risk on Trump — who had a long list of, let’s call them flaws, to illustrate his imperfection — because he was a man, and they could envision a man as president and commander in chief.”
The comments came as part of a larger conversation about reproductive rights. Clinton reportedly suggested that Democrats underestimated the anti-abortion movement. “I just think that most of us who support the rights of women and privacy and the right to make these difficult decisions yourself, you know, we just couldn’t believe what was happening,” she said in the interview. “Our side was complacent and kind of taking it for granted and thinking it would never go away.”
The book’s authors said the theme “overhanging the interview” with Clinton “was the understanding that had she won the White House, Roe most likely would have remained a bedrock feature of American life.”
The Blame Game
As Burguiere pointed out, the latest scapegoat for Clinton’s poor performance sounds awfully similar to the one recently offered by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in the wake of her scandal. “I love the new remix that just came out of the ‘I’m a woman, so I’m expected to be perfect,’ which was the exact same thing Fani Willis said after she got caught in her affair,” he noted. “It’s a new thing.”
Days after her bombshell testimony in the evidentiary hearing on the motion to disqualify her from the election interference against Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants in Georgia, Willis pleaded her case at an Atlanta church, telling the congregation that she is an “imperfect human being” with a “really hard job” to do.
In Clinton’s case in particular, Burguiere said her struggles at the ballot box had nothing to do with perfection. “We are not expecting you to be perfect,” he explained. “What we are expecting, Hillary, is you not to be the worst candidate that has ever run for president. That is basically the standard you needed to enter that election and you were unable to achieve it.”
Megyn noted that The Daily Mail has a running tally of “everyone and everything” Clinton has blamed for losing the 2016 election and the list is at 44 and counting. This time, however, “it’s the fault of the Karens – she is blaming the Karens,” she concluded. “But guess what, Hillary? It is going to happen again and you are not even on the ticket this time.”
You can check out Megyn’s full interview with Burguiere and Marcus by tuning in to episode 803 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.