Dog or woodchuck? That is the question we find ourselves asking each time we are reminded just how much of a taste for timber Strudwick has. Case in point: Strud enjoyed not one but two woody treats this week.

For starters, Megyn is down another wooden kitchen spoon this week after Strudwick stole it off the counter and went to town. “They’re like lollipops to him,” she noted.

But that wasn’t all. One of Megyn’s kids needed to find a new writing instrument to finish their homework with after Strud turned theirs into what Megyn called a “pencil snack.”
This a pattern of behavior for our dear Strudwick, but – given all of shenanigans – Megyn is letting this slide. “He also steals the firewood from our side deck and gnaws on it in the yard,” she shared. “We’ve given up on that one.”
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