What Were Megyn’s Dogs Doing in Her Studio that Distracted Her During the Show?

The fog of weekend rest and relaxation – or, in Megyn’s case, a trip with friends – can be hard to lift on a Monday morning in and of itself, but Megyn had an extra distraction in her studio to start the week.

At the top of Monday’s show, Megyn was prepared to deliver opening remarks about the anti-Israel protests that took place around the globe over the weekend – but not before Strudwick and his sister Thunder got some airtime. 

After her microphone picked up a bit of heavy breathing sounds, Megyn apologized for being “distracted” by her dogs. She joked that Strudwick has put on a few pounds, which makes him louder than he used to be.

Initially, she told her assistant Abby that they could stay in the studio. After all, they have proven in the past that they can settle down and be very well-behaved guests. Unfortunately, the playful pups weren’t in the mood to sit quietly this time around. Soon after, the pair started jumping around and playing with each other near Megyn’s desk.

While we appreciate the exuberance – especially on a Monday – it was not exactly conducive to a live broadcast. So, Studwick and Thunder were escorted out of the studio to find a more appropriate place to play and Megyn ceased to be distracted any longer.

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