The Strudwick File: Dog Days of Summer

Megyn and her family are wrapping up their time at the beach, but Strudwick seems determined to make the most of his last few days of summer fun…

There is only a limited amount of pool time left, so we can’t blame Strud for wanting to take advantage. The only problem? He’s not actually allowed in the pool. But not to worry – Strudwick has found a workaround. Megyn says he doesn’t think sitting on the top step counts:

In between dips in the pool, Strudwick has been doing some taste testing to ensure Megyn, Doug, and the kids have a top-notch menu this Labor Day weekend… or at least that is how we are rationalizing this feeding frenzy.

For starters, Doug left to play tennis bright and early the other morning and – “like a crazy person” – left a loaf of Dave’s Killer Bread on the counter. “The recklessness,” Megyn quipped. You can see the remnants on the far left. Next up, a package of bagels somehow ended up out of the pantry, and, as you can see from the middle photo, Strudwick didn’t miss the chance to carb load. To complete the trifecta, Strud found and downed another loaf of rye bread (far right):

No word yet on which type of bread is his favorite, but that’s not all he snacked on. While it’s not exactly soup season yet, Strud may be looking to get a jumpstart on fall because he spent some time sniffing out raw onion (left) and enjoying a box of bone broth (right). Megyn noted that her front hall carpet was, in fact, destroyed in the making of this meal:

There was one other food Strudwick sampled, but it remains a bit of a mystery. Megyn’s son Thatcher happened upon this scene in the kitchen and sent her what she called “a truly terrifying message” to document it:

Strud may have been up to some shenanigans this week, but there are plenty of innocent times, too. Case in point: Mornings playing fetch in the ocean:

“We do have our nice moments,” Megyn concluded.

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