Megyn is joined by the hosts of The Fifth Column – Kmele Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welch – to talk about the breaking news that the Koch network will be backing Nikki Haley in the Republican primary, whether the GOP megadonors will make a difference in actually beating former President Donald Trump, the value of being the final Trump-alternative standing, “snot-nosed kids'” glueing themselves to the road and blocking traffic to protest Israel, the Deadspin writer who attacked a child and the NFL for face paint, the absurdity of getting offended at everything while making everything about identity, the Biden administration facing an internal revolt over Israel-Hamas policies, the ridiculous ways they are going about trying to appease the young snowflakes in the White House, political fallout for not being anti-Israel enough for far-left progressives, the American CEOs embarrassingly giving Chinese President Xi Jinping a standing ovation in San Francisco, the hypocrisy of these business leaders, their past woke pushes, Chris Cuomo announcing he’s joining Substack, the therapy talk that fuels his podcast, and more.