Ep. 651 Biden’s Gaza Aid and ‘Insurrection’ in DC, with Bethany Mandel, Karol Markowicz, and VDH

Megyn is joined by Bethany Mandel and Karol Markowicz, authors of Stolen Youth, to talk about how American Jews are doing in the wake of the Hamas terror attacks and antisemitism on display, knowing who your real allies are in this new environment, heartbreaking stories of Israeli men and women preparing for war, the ‘all hands on deck’ situation in the country, realities of the ongoing hostage crisis, the Biden administration providing aid for Palestinians in Gaza in this moment, the ‘insurrection’ in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday involving anti-Israel protesters storming a congressional building, the role of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) in the protest, the lack of media coverage compared to January 6, the reality of the Trump administration’s support for Israel, and more.

Then, Victor Davis Hanson, author of The Dying Citizen, joins to talk about what happens next in the war between Israel and Hamas, whether Iran will get involved, the state of the Middle East right now, how a debate answer from former President Barack Obama in 2007 may have massively influenced America’s foreign policy, how the Obama administration enabled Iran to help Hamas, why the Biden administration is just Obama’s third term, contrasting how America treats Israel with how America treats Ukraine when it comes to calls for ‘proportionate response,’ the true scope of Hamas’ barbarism, campus antisemitism, and more.