Megyn brings listeners and viewers a deep dive on men’s sexual health with Mohit Khera, MD, a board certified urologist and professor of urology at Baylor College of Medicine. They discuss how men don’t focus on their sexual health in the same way women do, the causes of erectile dysfunction (ED), ways men can prevent ED, the decline of testosterone levels and sperm count worldwide, the causes of male infertility, whether there is a cure for erectile dysfunction, what stem cell therapy and “shockwave therapy” is, the differences between Viagra and Cialis, other more substantial treatments of ED, the connection between testosterone and libido, how antidepressants can affect libido, the different ways to take testosterone, the reality of Peyronie’s disease that men suffer from silently, testicular cancer risk factors, what parents should think about when raising their young boys, the dangers of pornography, new drugs that help increase women’s libido, and more.