Tucker Carlson

Ep. 720 Biden’s Cognitive Decline, and America’s Reckoning, with Dennis Prager and Buck Sexton

Ep. 720 Biden’s Cognitive Decline, and America’s Reckoning, with Dennis Prager and Buck Sexton

Megyn is joined by Dennis Prager, co-founder of PragerU, to talk about former Maryland State Attorney Marilyn Mosby and other leftist leaders being exposed as unethical, the “reckoning” we’re seeing in America, the decline of patriotism in the United States, attacks on America from leftists, Tucker Carlson’s upcoming interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the massive …

Ep. 693 Record-Breaking Illegal Immigration Numbers and What Joe Biden Knew About Hunter

Ep. 693 Record-Breaking Illegal Immigration Numbers and What Joe Biden Knew About Hunter

Megyn is joined by Ben Shapiro, host of The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro Show, to talk about the current state of the illegal immigration border crisis, December 2023 being the worst month of border encounters ever, illegal immigration rates under former President Donald Trump versus President Joe Biden, the American public’s opposition to Biden’s immigration …

Ep. 683 Tucker Carlson on His Exit From Fox, What He’s Building Now, and America’s Free Speech Reckoning

Ep. 683 Tucker Carlson on His Exit From Fox, What He’s Building Now, and America’s Free Speech Reckoning

Megyn is joined by Tucker Carlson, founder of the Tucker Carlson Network, to talk about what was really behind his exit from Fox News, the way he was treated behind-the-scenes, what happened in the media after he left, the decline of corporate legacy media, continuing to work and speak the truth, the subscription network he’s launching …

Tucker Carlson Reacts to the Reckoning Happening on College Campuses Over Free Speech

Tucker Carlson Reacts to the Reckoning Happening on College Campuses Over Free Speech

Megyn is joined by Tucker Carlson, founder of the Tucker Carlson Network, to talk about Harvard University and other top colleges going through a reckoning related to free speech, how higher education has become more about business and money than merit, the truth about Carlson’s position on Israel, and more.

Will There Be Violence If Donald Trump Is Convicted and Jailed Ahead of the November Election?

Will There Be Violence If Donald Trump Is Convicted and Jailed Ahead of the November Election?

Megyn is joined by Tucker Carlson, founder of the Tucker Carlson Network, to talk about the potential for violence if former President Donald Trump is convicted and thrown in prison ahead of the November 2024 election, political consequences being felt now in major cities around the United States, and more.

Tucker Carlson Explains His Position on Ukraine and Whether the GOP Is Ready to Hold the Line on Funding

Tucker Carlson Explains His Position on Ukraine and Whether the GOP Is Ready to Hold the Line on Funding

Megyn is joined by Tucker Carlson, founder of the Tucker Carlson Network, to talk about whether Republicans in Congress are really going to withhold funding to Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s next move, American interests in Ukraine and elsewhere internationally, and more.