The Strudwick File: Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

The Strudwick File: Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Megyn was in the middle of making dinner earlier this week when Chef Strud decided to join her in the kitchen. We all know Strudwick loves to be a taste-tester (see: exhibit A, exhibit B, and exhibit C to name a few), so it should come as no surprise that he wanted to sample the …
Why Do Megyn and Her Husband Doug Have an Ongoing Debate About Grocery Stores?

Why Do Megyn and Her Husband Doug Have an Ongoing Debate About Grocery Stores?
If you consider going to the grocery store more of a chore than a treat, we’re right there with you. And as it turns out, Megyn is in the same boat. She revealed on Monday’s show that she and her husband Doug have an “ongoing debate about grocery stores” – specifically, which chain offers the …
Ep. 556 Fox News and CNN’s Disastrous Ratings and ‘CitiBike Karen’ Smears, with Emily Jashinsky and Eliana Johnson

Ep. 556 Fox News and CNN’s Disastrous Ratings and ‘CitiBike Karen’ Smears, with Emily Jashinsky and Eliana Johnson
Megyn is joined by Emily Jashinsky, culture editor at The Federalist, and Eliana Johnson, co-host of the Ink-Stained Wretches podcast, to discuss whether or not Sen. Tim Scott’s (R-SC) optimistic message could catch on in the GOP primary, if Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and former President Donald Trump’s messaging will resonate more, Politico’s attack on Gov. DeSantis’ wife …
Ep. 551 CNN’s Post-Trump Town Hall Meltdown and No Media Accountability Post-Durham, with ‘The Fifth Column’

Ep. 551 CNN’s Post-Trump Town Hall Meltdown and No Media Accountability Post-Durham, with ‘The Fifth Column’
Megyn is joined by the hosts of The Fifth Column – Kmele Foster, Michael Moynihan, and Matt Welch – to talk about the post-Trump town hall meltdown happening inside CNN that is also playing out publicly, CNN’s viewership decline after event, Anderson Cooper’s embarrassing apology to viewers, the opinionated emotionalism at CNN that’s hard to …