Megyn Opens Up About Her Experience at Donald Trump’s Inauguration and the ‘Highlight’ of the Trip

Welcome to the first full day of President Donald Trump’s second term. Do you feel relieved? I feel euphoric and also kind of crazy. I feel like somebody put my head in some sort of a blender. We had a wonderful trip to Washington, D.C., for inauguration weekend. It was the dawn of a new day, and you could feel it in every way, shape, and form. 

But I will say, the logistics around the inauguration festivities in D.C. were extremely challenging, and that was the talk of the town. I had Emily Jashinsky and Eliana Johnson in studio with me yesterday, and they were saying they haven’t really seen anything like it.

You would show up at any event and, totally understandably, they had the place locked down. It was so challenging to get from A to B. Turn after turn after turn, you had Secret Service at every block. I was speaking at the pre-inaugural rally on Sunday at Capital One Arena and had trouble (you can see behind-the-scenes photos from the event here), so I am sure it was 100 times tougher for people who were attending.

The Inaugural Balls

When it came to the evening events, you couldn’t get anywhere near the balls themselves unless you happened to be at the right hotel and got on the right shuttle bus. If you were somebody like me or most people, you had to walk maybe five or six long blocks. It was just above zero degrees with a biting wind chill, and the ladies were in ball gowns – yours truly included – so we were freezing. It also meant, as you can see from the picture below, I needed multiple types of footwear.

Of course, I did have my new fur coat. If you listened to the show on Friday, I was talking to Maureen Callahan about whether or not I should wear it. She told me to say it was vintage and passed down in my family. I said I was going to hear from PETA regardless, and I was right.

PETA did send me an email about it. I’m going to tell you something, though: I kind of love PETA. I am somebody who eats animals and wears animal products, but I have a soft spot in my heart for these guys because they have been trying to convert me for many, many years, and they do it really nicely. They are not jerks about it.

Anyway, I did wear my fur, and it made a big difference. It really did keep me warm, at least on the areas that it was covering. But that didn’t include, you know, the bottom of your legs, and your hands, and your face, and so on. I was with my family, so we were all so cold together. Here is my daughter Yardley and me in our gowns. She is only 13, but she is already taller than me.

When we got to the eventual destination of the inaugural balls, there were thousands and thousands of people there. The one we went to last night was in Union Station. If you are wondering how they were going to coat check thousands of people, that is a good question. It filled up shortly after they started letting people in, so everyone ended up wearing their coats over their ball gowns and tuxedos. That was slightly awkward, so we wound up dumping our coats in a big pile.

Trump’s Stamina

That is enough complaining. I’m sorry, but I needed it to get it off my chest. We were busy and as much as we started to complain about fatigue, we kept thinking about Donald Trump. I don’t know how he does it. I am 25 years younger than Trump. Sarah, my hairstylist, is 34. My assistant, Abigail Finan, is 38. And we were exhausted.

Trump energizes us under the table – and I don’t say that in the bullsh-t way they said that about Joe Biden. For real, he actually does. The man is tireless. How does a 78 year old keep up the schedule he kept up yesterday? He is a true extrovert. He is energized by socialization, by attention, by interacting with other people. And maybe it is just that. I am more of an introvert at heart, so I find it more exhausting. 

But I am in awe of how he handles this demanding schedule. He is cut out to be president. He is cut out of the perfect cloth for the job.

The Highlight

The highlight of the trip for me, however, was all of you. I met so many MK Show viewers and listeners, and what a joy – what a true joy – it was. 

I have this image in my head of who watches and listens to the show, and I picture very savvy, smart – street smart and book smart – people. In my mind, you are all very attractive, and I think I am right. Every single person I met who listens to the show or watches the show was beautiful. I appreciate the fact that such lovely people – in every sense of the word – are tuning in. 

So, notwithstanding the logistical challenges of D.C. in trying to protect the president, and the Cabinet, and the Supreme Court on a weekend such as this, I had a wonderful time because of all of you. And all of you are the reason President Trump was sworn in as 47 on Monday. So, thank you. 

You can check out Megyn’s full analysis  by tuning in to episode 987 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.