Last night, I was in Kansas City, MO, with my old pal Tucker Carlson. Tucker is out on tour right now with a bunch of folks across several cities. It was super fun. We talked about Taylor Swift’s support of transgender ideology, the debate, the collapse of cable news, and more. If you weren’t able to make it to KC, you can watch our conversation below:
What a great way it was for two ex-cable newsers to get back together on our own terms – as independent broadcasters – and be able to talk about anything. It was totally liberating. It was just more validation that I am in the right lane, and I think you guys know that.

To those of you who actually spent money, and got in cars, and got on planes, and got yourselves to Kansas City last night to listen, thank you so much. I know that takes a lot of effort, and I was very touched by the big turnout.
It was wonderful to meet some of the people who listen to and watch The Megyn Kelly Show every day in person. It was wonderful to hug you, and to hold each other, and to shake hands, and to hear what motivates you in your own life and what you care about.
So, thank you to all of you – whether you were there or not. I appreciate you listening to the show.