‘It Gives Me Chills’: Megyn Explains Why It’s So Important to See the New Movie ‘Reagan’

AP Photo/Jim Palmer

Today, I wanted to take a break from the news and talk to you about the new movie Reagan that hits theaters Friday, August 30. Dennis Quaid plays former President Ronald Reagan, Penelope Ann Miller is Nancy Reagan, Dan Lauria is Democratic Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill, and Jon Voight plays a KGB officer to name a few.

Here’s the trailer:

It gives me the chills every time. You need to see this film for so many different reasons. 

I have now watched it twice – once with the executive producer, my friend Mark Joseph, and once with my husband Doug – and I have taken so much from it. You don’t just walk away thinking ‘I love Ronald Reagan,’ though that is one of the things you are going to feel. 

You walk away thinking: I love this country. I believe in this country. I believe in my fellow Americans. And we can get back to a place where we are leading with love and respect, even though we are going to fight bare knuckle brawls during our political arguments and so on. 

I don’t think this could not come at a more appropriate time given our tumultuous political landscape that, in many ways, mirrors the 1980s.

Please check out this movie. Yes, I know the filmmaker, but I would not be selling it to you in the way that I am if I didn’t believe in it and if I didn’t believe that you will love it. So, trust me. It is amazing. Go see it with your family and your friends.

You can check out Megyn’s full interview with the Reagan cast by tuning in to episode 875 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.