Megyn Has a Theory About the Jennifer Lopez-Ben Affleck Split Rumors

Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP

According to multiple outlets, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck may be splitting up. Page Six and Daily Mail, among others, say he has reportedly gotten another home, he is living in without her, and his ex-wife Jennifer Garner wants him to stay with J.Lo because she is a good influence. Who knows what is true. In all likelihood, they are planting articles against each other. 

For the record, they have denied that they are having marital problems. I just don’t believe that, and I have to say this seems like yet another example of the worship of the almighty dollar and celebrity and fame. 

Have they spent two minutes with each other? They have been all over with the movies and the ads. Occasionally, they get a picture of themselves on a yacht. It seems to me like these two are too focused on their careers and themselves to save their marriage, their well-being, and their children’s stable existence.

So, here is my theory on what is going on.

She got together with Ben after Alex Rodriguez allegedly cheated on her. Remember this? He was accused of cheating with a reality TV star and, in a flash, she was back with Ben Affleck. I think she was trying to change the narrative in the press because she didn’t like ‘JLo got cheated on.’ Of course, the press ran with ‘Yay! Bennifer is back together. Memory lane, here we go!’

I said it at the time on the air that the whole thing seemed very much like a PR maneuver that they were orchestrating for the cameras. Let’s face it, she orchestrates the cameras everywhere she goes. There are people who are far more famous than Jennifer Lopez, who do not get pictured every week going grocery shopping, going to the gym, going out to dinner, etc. 

Taylor Swift is probably the most famous woman in the world. We don’t see that of her? We don’t see Julia Roberts. We don’t see a lot of these Hollywood stars, but we see J.Lo. Why? Because they are not calling the paparazzi at every turn saying, ‘Please get me. Please look at me. Please give me PR because I’m nothing without attention.’

According to these reports in the tabloids, these two have split over how much attention is enough attention. He doesn’t want as much, and she wants a never-ending amount. 

So, to me, this whole thing is an example of the wrong priorities. It is great to have a career. But chasing money, chasing fame, chasing attention from strangers is not the way to a happy life, a happy marriage, a happy parent-child relationship, or just a happy and healthy heart and soul. That’s what I see. 

You can check out Megyn’s full analysis by tuning in to episode 799 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.