We have news out of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Virginia, which used to be conservative but is now responsible for some of the most leftist rulings on transgenderism that we’ve seen in the country.
They just decided that states have an obligation to use public funds for so-called ‘gender affirming’ care. So, now you have to pay for somebody else’s kid to have his penis chopped off. Okay? That’s according to one of the previously most conservative appellate courts in the nation.
The Fourth Circuit
As The Washington Post reported, it’s the second ruling in favor of “trans rights” this month from the Fourth Circuit. The once conservative court has become a trailblazer in the realm of transgender rights.
The court was the first to say trans students had a right to use the bathrooms that align with their gender identity, the first to recognize gender dysphoria as a protected disability. Earlier this month, the court said a federally funded middle school could not ban a trans 13 year old from playing on the girls track and field team. All these rulings split the appeals court down ideological lines.
The Ruling
This decision came from the full panel of the Fourth Circuit – not just a three judge panel. The tight eight to six ruling found that state health insurance plans in North Carolina and West Virginia may not legally exclude from their coverage so-called ‘gender affirming’ care, or what you and I would see as barbaric procedures in which we are cutting off kids or minors’ body parts.
The states have to pay for it, which means the taxpayer must pay for these procedures. I mean, how far are we going to take this? Think of Kayla Lemieux, the shop teacher up in Canada, who is a man with enormous prosthetic breasts with nipples. Do I have to pay for that if there is a Kayla here in the United States and he wants me to fund his enormous breasts?
I’m pretty sure that if some 25-year-old actual woman wants breast implants, she has to pay for them herself. But some dude who claims he is gender dysphoric? I guess we are potentially going to have to pay for his enormous boobs with huge, lemon-size nipples.
Undoubtedly, the losing side will appeal. West Virginia and North Carolina had tried to pass laws saying no, the state does not have to fund this. I hope the Supreme Court takes it. It will require the justices to be bold. They like to be loved, but they just need to do their jobs and set it right. What’s the point of having a six to three conservative majority if they reject all the hard cases?
Joe Biden’s America
This is what happens when you get leftist presidents in office. They are the ones responsible for nominating the federal judges. They get on the bench, they get confirmed, and then they go on to turn the country hard left.
This is what happens when you take your eye off the ball and focus on a bunch of nonsense – like Donald Trump’s latest tweets, as the media did for four years – as opposed to who is taking over in our courts under eight years of Barack Obama and now four years of Joe Biden. This is Joe Biden’s America.
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