Trans High Jumper Breaks Record, Wins New Hampshire Track Championship Against High School Girls


A high school boy competing as a girl took home top high jumping honors at the New Hampshire state championships over the weekend. In the process, the ‘trans’ athlete set a record for the female category. 

On Tuesday’s show, Megyn was joined by Daily Mail columnist Maureen Callahan to discuss the latest infringement on women’s sports and why it is time for girls and their parents to take a stand.

[Editor’s NoteYou can learn more about Megyn’s position on preferred pronouns here.]

High Jump Hypocrisy

On Sunday, Kearsarge Regional High School sophomore Maelle Jacques (below) won the girls’ high jump competition at the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association Division 2 state championship. Jacques is a male who has competed on the girls’ track team the last two years, according to NH Journal.

The victory also came with a new record. Jacques’ 5-feet 2-inch jump was a full inch higher than any other girl, though it wouldn’t have landed him on the podium in the boys’ division. The lowest boys’ jump was 5 feet 8 inches and the highest was 6 feet 2 inches.

This was not Jacques’ first brush with success. “This person has competed in four regular season meets this season and has earned a first place finish every single time,” Megyn noted. “Obviously this person has gone through male puberty and has the long legs and musculature of a sophomore boy.”

The school district, however, does not seem to have a problem with Jacques competing. “Kearsarge supports all students and student-athletes regardless of their gender identity,” Kearsarge Superintendent Winfried Feneberg said in a statement to New Boston Post. “Each student-athlete has the right to compete in the activity of their choice.”

‘Inherently Unfair’

Megyn noted that this is but the latest incident that proves just how “easy it is for the boys to beat the girls at their sports,” and she questioned where the adults are. “The vast majority of these girls are afraid. They’re not going to say anything,” Megyn said. “They need their moms, and dads, and teachers, and superintendents to protect them, and they’re too weak. They’re too afraid.”

While Callahan said that she would be “aflame with indignation” if she had a daughter at Kearsarge Regional High School or on one of the competing teams, Megyn said she would remove her child from the situation. “I would not let my daughter play,” she explained. “It would be very hard because she loves soccer, but there’s no way I would endanger her or subject her to this unfairness.”

While school districts like Kearsarge often try to preach ‘fairness’ in these situations, Callahan said the fairest thing to do is to create a new category for these athletes. “If they are really invested in fairness, let’s take biological males who identify as females and have them compete against each other,” she said. “Why do women have to default to this idea of fairness that is inherently unfair?”

You can check out Megyn’s full interview with Callahan by tuning in to episode 723 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.