‘It Feels Like 1984 in Our House’: Tucker Carlson Shares What His Life Is Like Post-Fox News

Tucker Carlson has had a busy year. After his shocking split with Fox News in late April, the former primetime host launched his own show on X (formerly known as Twitter) just weeks later. Since then, he’s been traveling the globe filming content and preparing to launch his new media venture Tucker Carlson Network (TCN).

So, how has life changed for him and his family these past eight months? On Monday’s show, Carlson joined Megyn to discuss what he’s been up to and why his wife has been so instrumental to his success.

‘A Quiet and Happy Life’

As Carlson shared with Megyn while talking about the launch of TCN, he’s been busy traveling the globe as of late. He said he visited seven countries over the summer and has more on the agenda this winter, which Megyn admitted “sounds unbelievable.”

Despite the globetrotting, Carlson explained that his life “has been great for a long time” because of how “low key” it is. “I’ve been with my wife for [almost] 40 years… since September 1984,” he shared. “In our heads we’ve been with the same person this whole time, so it kind of feels a little bit like 1984 in our house.”

With their four kids now out of said house, Carlson said it’s him, his wife, and “a bunch of dogs.” They live in “rural places” and “believe in quiet and reading.” While they “always” have people staying with them or coming over for dinner, Carlson said it’s a lot of time at home. “No strippers, no cocaine, no famous people – like, we have the calmest life of anyone I know and I really liked that,” he shared. “We’ve always lived like that… It’s a very, very quiet and happy life.”

He said it’s a very necessary antidote to the chaos of the world. “By the way, the world is so nuts, you need to – in your private spheres – have peace because otherwise you just can’t function,” he emphasized.

Happy Wife, Happy Life

One of the main reasons Carlson has been able to accomplish all that he has over the course of his career is the support of his wife Susan. He described her as “not political at all” and said she cares deeply about family values. “That’s the lens through which she sees things,” he noted. She is also the “happiest woman” he knows. 

As empty nesters, Carlson said the two of them have more time together than they have in years. “I know she is [supportive] because we talk all the time because all four kids are gone,” he said. “I spend a lot of time with her and we talk things through a lot.” That means she’s also been able to travel with him more. “I’ve been on the road my whole life, my whole marriage,” he admitted. Once their youngest child moved out, he asked her to start tagging along. “Of course she didn’t want to at first, but she got into it,” he shared. 

The couple now has a rule. “If I go somewhere for more than three days, I bring her with me,” he explained. “She always enjoys it and that’s such a massive upgrade. If you’re traveling by yourself, it’s just depressing. It’s totally depressing.”

Megyn could confirm this. When she met up with Carlson at the Turning Point Action conference in July, Megyn said his executive producer turned president of TCN Justin Wells told her as much. “He told me, ‘If Tucker is without Susie for three days, we know what to do; we’ve got to get Susie to Tucker because he gets grumpy,'” she concluded. “I think wives everywhere are delighted to hear this about you.”

You can check out Megyn’s full interview with Carlson by tuning in to episode 683 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.