‘Merrick Garland Lied’: Megyn Reveals What We Now Know About the Investigation into Hunter Biden

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Let’s have a little story time. 

This story happens to be about Hunter Biden and David Weiss. David Weiss was and is the U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware. He is the federal prosecutor for that region. He was nominated by former President Donald Trump in 2017 and was confirmed by the United States Senate in 2018. He began investigating Hunter Biden, the ne’er-do-well son of Joe Biden, that same year. 

The IRS Investigation into Hunter Biden

The IRS was looking into Hunter because it had come to their attention that there was some funny business going on with his taxes. He’d been involved in some bank situations involving prostitutes. They smelled a rat. They started investigating him. They were stopped at every turn – according to two whistleblowers, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who ultimately came out from the IRS – by the Department of Justice, in particular when the administration switched from Trump to Biden.

The DOJ allegedly did not want them asking questions about Joe Biden or speaking to Joe Biden’s grandchildren (i.e. Hunter’s children), though many of them are adults now. They were reportedly ready to serve a subpoena on Hunter’s storage unit, but the DOJ interfered. They were looking for papers. They were looking for evidence of fraud – all the things that the House of Representatives is currently investigating. 

According to the whistleblowers, they were thwarted at every turn. David Weiss was riding herd on the whole investigation. Before we know it, years passed and he had magically allowed the statute of limitations to run on most of the potential charges against the president’s son. 

Merrick Garland, our current attorney general, likes to defend himself by saying, ‘No interference here. We let the Trump-appointed U.S. attorney continue the investigation.’ David Weiss had to be approved by the two Democratic U.S. senators in Delaware. Trump never could have gotten a conservative through them. This guy is clearly a partisan hack. We now know this about David Weiss. This is a cover up, a lie by Merrick Garland.

David Weiss’ Authority

So, Weiss let the statute of limitations expire. The whistleblowers told us that it is outrageous and he shouldn’t have let that statute of limitations run because they had him dead to rights. They claimed, under oath, that David Weiss was the U.S. attorney that they were answering to and that he told them, in the spring of 2022, ‘I don’t have ultimate authority over the case.’ 

These guys were confused because here’s the thing: the most serious charges against Hunter were to be brought in Washington, DC, or California – not in Delaware – and the clock was ticking. Why would he lack ultimate decision making authority? One, he wasn’t made special counsel, which gives you the authority to do pretty much what you want. We know that he wasn’t granted special counsel authority at that point, so he still answered to Merrick Garland. Two, he wasn’t granted special attorney status by the AG to pursue charges outside of his jurisdiction.

The IRS guys were looking at David Weiss in October 2022 with the statute about to expire saying, ‘What do you mean you don’t have ultimate decision making authority? Because it’s fairly common to bring charges in somebody else’s jurisdiction unless the AG stops you. Is that what you’re trying to tell us?’ 

These two IRS whistleblowers came out and told the world that Weiss admitted he didn’t have ultimate authority, but Merrick Garland essentially called these whistleblowers a couple of liars. He claimed Weiss had the authority all along, and Weiss said something along the lines of, ‘Yeah, he empowered me.’ But the messaging was squirrelly and it was clear that something else was going on here. Whenever congressional investigators probed a little, however, they kept hearing ‘we can’t talk about an ongoing investigation.’

While the whistleblowers said Garland interfered with the election, the AG maintained in testimony in both March and June of this year that “the U.S. Attorney in Delaware has advised that he has full authority” to “make necessary referrals” and/or “bring the case anywhere he wants.” That’s not true. The only way he would have been able to bring cases in DC and California was with Merrick Garland’s approval, which should have been given with ease. 

But we have been asking ourselves all along: Did David Weiss ask for special attorney status? Was he denied? Did he not need to? Yesterday, we finally got an answer. 

Weiss Changes His Tune

David Weiss, who’s been avoiding these congressional investigators in the House from the beginning, finally had to sit in front of them. It was behind closed doors and he told the House Judiciary Committee, according to Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), that he was refused special attorney status in this investigation of First Son Hunter Biden. Jordan said Weiss told them he initially requested special attorney status in spring 2022 and the principal assistant deputy attorney general told him no. 

We now know the attorney general of the United States – through his principal assistant deputy – stopped the investigation into Hunter Biden, thus letting him off on the most serious charges. David Weiss did what he was told and just put his head between his legs. Then, he and Garland smeared the whistleblowers as liars when they said Weiss admitted he didn’t have the authority. 

Under oath behind closed doors, it was a different story for David Weiss. Merrick Garland lied under oath. David Weiss apparently didn’t and told the truth. 

We know this will not be in The New York Times or The Washington Post or on NPR. They’ll talk about Republican infighting from the debate. It’s absolutely disgusting. There are two systems of justice. Hunter Biden has very much benefited from this one, and Donald Trump is under indictment in four different places because of the other. 

That’s the end of story time.

You can check out Megyn’s full analysis by tuning in to episode 665 on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you like to listen. And don’t forget that you can catch The Megyn Kelly Show live on SiriusXM’s Triumph (channel 111) weekdays from 12pm to 2pm ET.