Megyn Opens Up About Her Private Conversations with Trump, Tucker, and More at the Turning Point Action Conference

I spent my weekend down in Palm Beach, FL, with Turning Point Action. It is Charlie Kirk’s group that involves thousands and thousands of college students nationwide. At the event, there were some 4,000 or 5,000 college students and supporters who were there to listen to former President Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, myself, and others. It was fascinating, and it was wonderful.

Being Conservative on College Campuses

One of my favorite things that I did while there was speak to a roundtable of college students with Charlie. My God, what these kids are going through. What really jumped out at me was the young women talking about how there are no masculine men anymore on college campuses. They were talking about how they are stuck with the ‘man bun’ at every turn. All these feminized men have been schooled by left-leaning liberal women on their ‘toxic masculinity’ and now think the answer is to burst out in tears at any moment. Please don’t. How are we going to reproduce the next generation? The future of humanity requires men to be hunters and gatherers and brave warriors – not to turn into women. It was kind of scary.

These were more conservative-leaning college students who were talking about being conservative on campuses that are overwhelmingly liberal. They understand very well that they are going to be downgraded on certain papers if they don’t toe the party line – meaning the leftist party line. And they understand the courage it takes to do that.

Catching Up with Tucker

Just before the evening session, I got the chance to sit with Tucker Carlson. You guys know that we’ve been friends for a long time – well before his primetime role at Fox News. I used to have him on my show all the time when I was in the primetime, and I knew back then that he was a star. I was the one who recommended to Lachlan Murdoch that they elevate him to primetime. 

He’s become an international star. And when you spend two minutes with Tucker, you’re totally reminded of why. He’s just completely magnetic. He’s such a happy warrior. He’s been through the wringer these past few months and is just all smiles and easy to be with. He is happy to see the bright side of virtually everything – including what’s happened to him. 

Abby and I had a great meeting with Tucker and his executive producer Justin Wells. All I can tell you is to be a fly on that wall… your jaw would have dropped at some of the things that we exchanged. More on that as the days, and weeks, and months go by. 

Fox News has not yet sued Tucker, and they should not. As I’ve said before, it would be a mistake. But I believe it even more strongly now than ever. Don’t do it, Fox. You’re going to be really sorry. It’s not going to end well for you or anyone on your side if you go after him. Just let him go. You fired him. He wants to give back the money and to make a living doing news. Just let him. Don’t be dumb.

An Audience with Trump

One of the most interesting things I did was have a private audience with former President Donald Trump. When he came into the arena, he and I got a one-on-one together for the first time in years. It was, frankly, great to see him. All that nonsense between us is under the bridge, and he could not have been more magnanimous. 

The thing about Trump is he commands the room. It’s not just because he’s a former president now. I knew him before that. There’s just something about him, it’s like an aura that sort of takes over the room. There’s only one person you can look at.

He could not have been nicer or more generous, and he had some interesting thoughts about the debates and whether he’s going to attend. I would not bet on him attending at least that first Fox News debate, if I had to put money on it. He did not commit one way or the other, but that was my feeling after talking to him.

It’s fair to say Trump and I have had our ups and downs. I went through a lot as Trump attacked me for those nine months that I’ve documented in my book and elsewhere. But if you can take your ego out of it, if you can be quick to get past these confrontations and negative experiences, you can open up such possibility for yourself. You can open up a field of wellness, of positivity, of good relationships. 

So, take the fact that it’s former president Donald Trump and well-known journalist Megyn Kelly out of it. This could be true for you in your life, if you find a way to say, ‘That was yesterday; I’m here today; I’m looking at tomorrow.’ I think it’s a testament to how people can change, rebuild relationships, and move forward in a positive way.

DeSantis Agrees to an Interview

Gov. Ron DeSantis declined to attend the Turning Point Action event, which I think was a mistake. No, it’s not his crowd. But he would’ve gotten points if he showed up and said, ‘Hey, I’m Ron DeSantis. I know you’re more with Trump, but thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk to you and try to win you over. I’m grateful to Donald Trump for helping me get elected the first time. I do think we have differing visions. That’s why I’m running.’ It wouldn’t have taken that much for him to say that, and I think he missed an opportunity. 

He did go to the Iowa summit, which Tucker moderated the night before. DeSantis sat with Tucker, and I think it was the best interview that I’ve seen him do. He was a little bit more relaxed. He uses these colloquialisms – like ‘Every day and twice on Sunday’ – that are a little dated. They make him sound a little stodgy. He’s only 44. I’m older than DeSantis, so why am I thinking he sounds stodgy? I think it’s just how he is. He’s a little nerdy, and that’s okay. Substantively, I thought he did very well in his exchange with Tucker. 

That happened as we got news that his campaign is now shedding staff. They are underperforming expectations, at least so far. He’s got a bunch of money in his Super PAC, but less in his actual campaign. The bottom line is he needs a shake up and one is underway. He suggested this weekend on Fox that he is going to be putting himself out there in a more robust way over the next six months or so. 

I’ve been very transparent with all of you that I’ve been asking him to sit with us for months and have been getting the back of the hand. Recently, we reached out again, and this time he accepted. Next week, I’ll be traveling back down to Florida to meet and interview him for the first time. He knows it’s not going to be an easy interview, but it’s not going to be a jugular removal either. As always, it’s going to be fair, balanced, and based in fact. 

I’m very much looking forward to doing it and bringing it to you. We’re grateful that the campaign has accepted, and I expect we’ll be sitting with President Trump in the not too distant future as well.