Megyn Shares a Poem from Joseph Massey to Usher in 2023

Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash

Happy New Year! This is an opportunity to make choices that will improve your well-being and your enjoyment of life. If you make the challenge too large (I’m going to lose 50 poundsI’m going to work out two hours a day), you stand a good chance of failing. Keep it small and simple and you have a much better chance of getting there (I’m going to eliminate snacks todayI’m going for one vigorous walk after lunch). One day turns into two and then three and, before you know it, you are feeling better and that is its own motivation. 

It could also be something social for those feeling isolated – maybe you take an active step to find a book club in your area or join your town’s Newcomers Club. You could volunteer at your church (or join a church) or help out at the local animal shelter once a month. Tiny doses of social interaction can be a big achievement for those who aren’t used to it. They can also be a powerful antidepressant.

Anyway, here’s to starting the new year together with the resolve to consume news in a way that doesn’t make us sick or indoctrinate us into ideological thinking; in a way that keeps us informed, makes us think, makes us laugh, and makes us feel more motivated, empowered, and connected.

I thought I’d include one more thing here for you, a poem by Joseph Massey. He wrote Rosary Made of Air, and it is positively serene – a dose of calm and reflection in this otherwise often too chaotic world. Here it is, and, again, Happy New Year.

– Megyn

The Reprieve 

A week 
that freezes, thaws, 
and freezes again. 

The skyline scales
and cracks.
Morning’s frayed 

gray plumes
pull through the wreck
and the wreck in mind. 

To be reminded 
there’s grace 
in ordinary weather,

in the reprieve 
from neon 
and clouds low enough 

to cloud thought. Grace 
in daylight, the drowse 
and sway; 

and how, when it’s this
thin, things barely cling 
to their names. Grace 

to be nameless, a form 
among forms, drifting 
in winter glare.

Grace, too, 
when windows 
reflect and distort, 

at night,
the shape of a room.

Joseph Massey is the author of Rosary Made of Air and a weekly poetry newsletter, Dispatches from the Basement. You can also find him on Twitter @jmasseypoet